

Currently in the midst of the Advent season and preparing for Christmas. This is a normally busy season for everyone but as a pastor it makes my life a little extra busy. Trying to pace myself and make time to enjoy and observe the season so that it doesn’t slip by too quickly without taking the time to enjoy and appreciate it.

I’ve been thinking a lot about discipline lately. This is in part because I was reading the book “Discipline is Destiny” by Ryan Holiday last month but also because it’s something I’ve been craving more of lately and hoping to implement in my life. Thinking specifically about the quote below…

My kids are getting excited about Christmas which makes me even more excited. Being a parent as added so much more joy to the holiday season for me and their energy and enthusiasm is contagious.

May the grace and peace of Christ be with you this holiday season.

Inspired by Derek Sivers

Updated: 12.3.22